....the further you are from home,
the closer you are to your deepest self:
vibrant, naked essence of your soul.
The air itself is different but
makes you live the same;
and your roots are splayed
toward the faces,
looking for a fertil,
bare smile as if it was a clod of soil,
a cloud down from the sky....


Super poll

Hi to all.
I'm in my room in Milan while I'm writing. Tomorrow at this time I'll be in London: another City, another language, another culture but....... the same heart.
So, I would want to start with a little poll: do you like this template or you prefer the next one?
I know I know: how could you know how the next template will be?
Bingoooo: this is my first mistake and, by the way, the mistake of the "0" day, the "zero mistake".
However, let me know at least if you like this template. In two days I'm going to change it.

Ta Ta, for now...
fra Lorenzo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look like someone from Harry Potter, have fun in London! :)